Governing body
Welcome from the Chair
On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Tregadillett Primary School, we pride ourselves on Building Powerful Learners Together. Our core values provide unique learning experiences for all individuals by demonstrating and encouraging, compassion, creativity, courage, confidence and curiosity throughout the whole school community. I hope that you have been able to find everything you need here on our website.
I have been a parent here at Tregadillett for 8 years and have recently taken on the role as Chair of Governors. When I'm not at Tregadillett, I support my husband with administration for our family-run manufacturing business and smallholding, alongside spending time with my family.
Governors are appointed to support the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team, whilst providing strategic direction to continue to improve the school with a focus on, safeguarding, finance, personnel, premises management, data and curriculum. Our governing body takes a hands-on approach to governance, we can often be found in the school, working with children and offering support to our wonderful staff team.
We value the views of all parents, staff and children, if you see me around, and would like to have a chat, please do come and say hello. I look forward to meeting you throughout the school year.
Furthermore, If you would like to find out a little more about governance or how you can make a difference, please click the button below.
Kind Regards
Gemma Goodenough
Gemma Goodenough
Chair of Governors
What does a school Governor do?
Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable their school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.
Are school Governors paid?
No, school Governors are volunteers.
How do I become a Governor?
Get in touch with us via email at we're often looking to add to our governing body so that we can support the school even more!
Our Governing Body
Gemma Goodenough
Chair of Governors -Whistleblowing
Morag Dyer
Vice Chair of Governors - Health & Safety
Jack Horwell
Alison Hirons
Governor - SEND & Children in Care (LAC)
Nilufer Yardley
Gemma Hicks
Governor - Child Protection & Safeguarding (Prevent)
Naomi Thomas
Mike Turner
Staff Governor
Theresa Mills
Governor - Attendance
Coopted Governor
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Governor Committees and Meeting Dates