
"Mathematics at Tregadillett... "

 " important because it is in everything we do." (Kerenza)

"...helps us to become 'lifelong learners' by developing a love of Mathematics so we can play games!" (Harmony)

"prepares you for later in life as you will need it in every job you do" (Archie)

Why write in books when you can use dinosaurs?


(Key Instant Recall Facts)

KIRF information poster
Whole school KIRF overview
Y1 KIRF.pdf
_Y2 KIRF.pdf
Y3 KIRFS .pdf
Year 4 KIRFs.pdf
Year 5 KIRFS.pdf
Year 6 KIRFS.pdf

Progression in Mathematics

How we support children with SEND in Mathematics

Mathematics Progression
Maths - Strategies for supporting pupils

Addition strategies

Practical Mathematics!

Calculation Policy

Calculation Policy 2022/2023

Glossary of Mathematics Terms

Games and Apps!

Mathematics Explained

Club 99

Club 1.pdf
Club 2.pdf
Club 3.pdf
Club 4.pdf
Club 5.pdf
Club 6.pdf
Club 7.pdf
Club 8.pdf
Club 9.pdf
Club 10.pdf
Club 11.pdf
Club 11 answers.pdf
Club 22.pdf
Club 22 answers.pdf
Club 33A.pdf
Club 33a answers.pdf
Club 33B.pdf
Club 33B answers.pdf
Club 44.pdf
Club 44 answers.pdf
Club 55.pdf
Club 55 answers.pdf
Club 66.pdf
Club 66 answers.pdf
Club 77.pdf
Club 77 answers.pdf
Club 88.pdf
Club 88 answers.pdf
Club 99.pdf
Club 99 answers.pdf
Club Bronze.pdf
Club Bronze answers .pdf
Club Silver.pdf
Club Silver answers.pdf
Club Gold.pdf
Club Gold answers.pdf
Club Platinum.pdf
Club Platinum answers.pdf