Sports Premium
What is Sports premium funding?
What is Sports premium funding?
Background - The primary school sport premium is £150 million per annum of new government funding jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. Investment will go direct to individual primary school Head Teachers and is designed to support improvements in the quality and depth of PE and school sport in addition to the national curriculum.
Outcomes - The Department for Education vision is that all pupils leaving primary school are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. The objective is to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport that delivers high quality provision of a balanced and holistic PE and school sport offer.
Mr Mike Turner is the lead member of staff.
An action plan outlining how this funding is being spent can be accessed below.
Sports premium 2023-24
Sports premium 2023-24
Sports premium 2022-23
Sports premium 2022-23
Sports premium 2021-22
Sports premium 2021-22
Sports premium 2020-21
Sports premium 2020-21
Sports premium 2019-20
Sports premium 2019-20
Total funding: £ 17,670
Total funding: £ 17,670
Sports premium 2018-19 Total funding: £17,450
Sports premium 2018-19 Total funding: £17,450
Sports premium 2017-18 Total funding: £17,100
Sports premium 2017-18 Total funding: £17,100
Sports premium 2016/17
Sports premium 2016/17
Sports premium 2015-16
Sports premium 2015-16
Action plan
Action plan


Sports premium 2014-15
Sports premium 2014-15

Sports premium 2013-14
Sports premium 2013-14

Sports premium 2012-13
Sports premium 2012-13